Sunday, August 16, 2015


I'm standing here in the kitchen, baking a cake. I have a roast simmering, which has made the whole apartment smell amazing. Eric Church is playing on the radio, and although it's only 15 degrees on this mid-August day, the sun is shining. The cats are sleeping, and my boyfriend's on his way home from work.

Although my friends are probably at a pub right now having caesars, recovering from last night and sharing laughs - I am completely content with this non-typical 23-year-old Sunday afternoon.

It has made me reflect upon the summer so far, and I am truly thankful for the life that I have. I am in good health (for the most part - need to hit the gym), my boyfriend is awesome as always, my Mother and Brother visited, and I have gotten the opportunity to travel this summer which is always on my to-do list.

Things are never perfect, but who's life is?
Life is good. I am happy.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Train terminals

I've had many regrets throughout the 23 years of my life, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't think I'd have countless more to come. Some bigger than others of course. I regret not telling my grandfather how much I loved him, I regret putting up with the consistent pain and betrayal that my ex-boyfriends put me through time and time again, and I regret not taking certain opportunities that came my way.

Two days ago, I was walking through one of our city's train terminals, and walked by a young girl playing guitar while singing. Her voice was like something I've never heard before. I don't have reactions like this often, but I instantly got goosebumps and felt tears coming to my eyes. Maybe it was the words of the song, or the way her voice echoed throughout the walls of the terminal. Whatever it was it made me emotional. I kept walking, but as soon as I got outside, I stopped. I felt so ashamed for not giving her the cash that was in my wallet, or even just a "hey, you're really good." I mean this girl had a tremendous amount of talent, and not many singers (aside from Sam Smith of course) have given me this type of reaction. I stood there for a good five minutes or so contemplating going back. Unfortunately, my social anxiety always seems to get in the way during situations like these. Needless to say, I kept walking. 

For the past two days I have played this moment over and over again in my mind. This is one of those times where the situation seems so minimal, but the regret was overwhelming. And why? I'm not exactly sure. I'm confused why this particular moment even had such a strong impact on me.
I sincerely hope someone with the right connections finds this girl and sees the talent that she has.

Next time, maybe my choices will be a little different.