Sunday, August 16, 2015


I'm standing here in the kitchen, baking a cake. I have a roast simmering, which has made the whole apartment smell amazing. Eric Church is playing on the radio, and although it's only 15 degrees on this mid-August day, the sun is shining. The cats are sleeping, and my boyfriend's on his way home from work.

Although my friends are probably at a pub right now having caesars, recovering from last night and sharing laughs - I am completely content with this non-typical 23-year-old Sunday afternoon.

It has made me reflect upon the summer so far, and I am truly thankful for the life that I have. I am in good health (for the most part - need to hit the gym), my boyfriend is awesome as always, my Mother and Brother visited, and I have gotten the opportunity to travel this summer which is always on my to-do list.

Things are never perfect, but who's life is?
Life is good. I am happy.